Choosing how to replace your teeth doesn’t need to be complicated. Baltimore Dental Co. will determine your treatment options, allowing you to weigh all considerations and make a well-educated decision. No matter which option you choose, replacing lost or damaged teeth as soon as possible is the best for your health.
Traditional dentures are custom-made to fit comfortably in your mouth; however, without jawbone stimulation, the ridge used to hold the traditional dentures in place will diminish. This bone loss that occurs over time will result in an ill-fitting denture.
Dentures are a reliable solution for missing teeth. They have become more natural looking in appearance and comfortable. While removable dentures might be a suitable option, more and more patients are choosing to have them secured with dental implants. If you need to replace a whole row of teeth, Baltimore Dental Co. in Glyndon, MD provides several solutions.
You may be intimidated by the cost of dental implants and believe that traditional dentures are the better financial option. While dentures are initially cheaper, the cost of maintaining them over the years may exceed the cost of denture implants. In addition, you can expect a lower overall quality of life. Since traditional dentures do not replace teeth at the root, bone loss is inevitable.
Traditional dentures rely on suction, and eventually adhesive, to remain in place. They have to be removed nightly for proper cleaning. Bone loss will impact the way dentures fit, requiring relining and replacement. Bone loss in the jaw will also change the appearance of your face. Your mouth will begin to sink in, your chin will stick out further, and deep wrinkles will begin to form over time. This will result in you looking much older than you really are.
Utilizing dental implants to secure a denture is the most advanced solution for tooth loss available today. Dental implants are anchored in the jawbone creating an incredibly strong base to secure the false teeth. Unlike traditional dentures, implant-supported dentures will not shift or fall out of your mouth.
This lack of movement will prevent slurred speech and allow you to consume a normal diet without restrictions. The greatest advantage implants have over traditional dentures is they prevent bone loss. The shape and appearance of your face will not be affected.
Snap-in dentures combine the stability and longevity of screw-retained dentures with the convenience of traditional dentures, offering patients the best of both worlds while preserving jawbone integrity.
These dentures are secured using a ball attachment system, typically supported by two to eight dental implants that maintain bone levels and provide support. Your dentist will attach special abutments to the implants, allowing the denture to securely snap into place.
Each evening, you can remove the denture for thorough cleaning. Furthermore, your dentist can adjust the inserts within the denture to accommodate changes in finger dexterity, ensuring optimal comfort and fit over time.
Screw-in dentures, often referred to as hybrid dentures, are permanently anchored in place using between four and eight dental implants. Unlike snap-in dentures, which use a ball attachment system, hybrid dentures are secured with screws that can only be removed by your dentist. This permanent attachment means that maintaining proper oral hygiene requires extra attention.
Traditional dentures rely on suction, and eventually adhesive, to remain in place. They have to be removed nightly for proper cleaning. Bone loss will impact the way dentures fit, requiring relining and replacement. Bone loss in the jaw will also change the appearance of your face. Your mouth will begin to sink in, your chin will stick out further, and deep wrinkles will begin to form over time. This will result in you looking much older than you really are.
Utilizing dental implants to secure a denture is the most advanced solution for tooth loss available today. Dental implants are anchored in the jawbone creating an incredibly strong base to secure the false teeth. Unlike traditional dentures, implant-supported dentures will not shift or fall out of your mouth.
This lack of movement will prevent slurred speech and allow you to consume a normal diet without restrictions. The greatest advantage implants have over traditional dentures is they prevent bone loss. The shape and appearance of your face will not be affected.
Hybrid dentures are highly regarded for their security and durability, offering the closest resemblance to natural teeth in terms of function, feel, and appearance among denture options. They boast the highest patient satisfaction rates due to their stable fit and reliable performance.
Baltimore Dental Co. located in Baltimore County, MD provides comprehensive treatment plans and patient education related to all types of denture services for patients exploring teeth replace. Learn more about how dental implants compare to traditional dentures by scheduling an appointment today.